Vegetable | Mustard, Southern Giant Curled

Vegetable | Mustard, Southern Giant Curled

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  • 3-pack
  • 50 days to maturity from transplant.
  • Large, wide, long, oval, bright green leaves, curled and fringed on the edges
  • Slow to bolt.
  • Upright, vigorous hardy plants with a mild mustardy flavor
  • Cold resistant and slow to bolt
  • Ideal for the home garden or market production
  • Pick and eat late flowers for their peppery taste and color.
  • Not only are mustards a low input cover crop option, chopping up and tilling old mustard plants into the soil can act as a biofumigant against soil borne pathogens such as verticillium, pythium, fusarium. and rhizoctonia root rots.